Monday, September 30, 2013

Plate Boundary Presentations

Click on the link below that corresponds to your plate group.  This document is your visual for the presentation you will give to the class regarding plate boundaries.  If you want to change the presentation at all, have 1 person in your group make a copy to edit.

Australian Plate
African Plate
North American Plate
Pacific Plate

Here are the requirements for the group presentation.  Your group must:

  1. Provide a key for classmates to complete a world map highlighting convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries.    (use: red for divergent, blue for convergent, and green for transform)
  2. Provide evidence from the maps to support your boundary choice.  What observations from each map (seismology, volcanology, geography, geochronology)  shows why the boundary you chose is correct.
  3. Describe the motion at that boundary and connect what the data is showing with the type you chose. Why does your data support your choice of boundary type?

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