Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Proxy Data for Geologic Climate Change

Below is a link to the video we watched in class to introduce the ways scientists have learned about changes in climate over geologic time.
* this is a large file so please be patient as it loads

Climate Proxy Data

This is the link to the geologic time interactive.  Use this link to fill out your "Geologic Timeline Exploration Sheet."

Geologic Time Interactive

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Weather and Climate

Greetings!!  Welcome back from Lake Powell.

Part of tonight's homework is to view the following videos to develop your understanding of weather and climate.  Watch the two videos and write a summary to answer the question:

 How are weather and climate both similar and different?

National Geographic Weather and Climate
NASA Weather and Climate

Moon Journal Entry: Phases of My Life, Phases of the Moon
* Connect the phases of the moon discussed in class today with phases you have been through in your life.